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A Management Systems Certification Body must be able to demonstrate its competence to assess and certify an energy management system that conforms to ISO 50001.
Its overall aim is to put in place systems and processes to provide significant energy usage reductions resulting in an associated decline in costs and greenhouse gas emission achievable through the systematic management of energy. The standard is consistent with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management systems presently adopted throughout the industry and this makes it easier for organizations to integrate energy management into their overall efforts to improve quality and environmental management.
A Certification Body applying for ISO 50001 accreditation must conform to ISO/IEC 17021, ISO 50003 and other additional International requirements as detailed in Specific Requirements for Accreditation for EnMS Scheme. Certification Bodies interested to apply for an Accreditation scheme for EnMS can send the email at info@iabaccreditation.com demanding for following Application documents.